Choosing the correct Images/Videos for your ads


In the world of digital advertising, the power of an ad often lies in its visual appeal. Whether you’re a small business owner venturing into the world of Google Ads or a social media enthusiast preparing your first Facebook campaign, understanding the importance of choosing the right images and videos for your ads is crucial. These visual elements are not just mere embellishments; they are the heart and soul of your message, capturing attention, evoking emotions, and making your ad memorable. This blog will guide you through the essential steps of selecting images and videos that not only complement your ad’s message but also resonate with your audience, ensuring your advertising efforts are both effective and impactful.

Understanding Your Audience

To choose visuals that truly resonate with your audience, it’s essential to understand who they are. Your audience’s demographics—age, gender, location, interests, and even their online behaviour—play a pivotal role in determining the type of images and videos that will appeal to them.

  • Age and Gender: Different age groups and genders respond to visual stimuli differently. For instance, vibrant and dynamic images might appeal more to a younger audience, while a more mature audience might prefer images that evoke trust and reliability.
  • Interests and Preferences: Aligning your visuals with your audience’s interests is key. If you’re advertising sports equipment on Google Ads, action-packed, high-energy visuals will be more engaging than static images.
  • Cultural Considerations: Be mindful of cultural sensibilities and norms, as what works in one region may not be effective in another. This is particularly important for businesses targeting international markets on platforms like Facebook Ads.
  • Online Behaviour: Analysing the online behaviour of your target audience can provide insights into the type of content they prefer. Do they engage more with short, snappy videos or with detailed explainer-type content?

Understanding these nuances helps in creating or selecting images and videos that are not just visually appealing but also strategically aligned with the interests and preferences of your target audience, leading to more effective and personalised ad campaigns.

The Power of Visual Content in Ads

Visual content is not just a component of an advertisement; it’s a powerful communication tool that can significantly impact the success of your ad campaigns, especially on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Here’s why images and videos are so crucial:

  1. Attention-Grabbing: In a digital space crowded with text and information, visuals stand out. An eye-catching image or an engaging video can make the difference between your ad being noticed or ignored.
  2. Emotional Connection: Visuals have the unique ability to evoke emotions. The right image or video can create a sense of desire, urgency, happiness, or even nostalgia, directly influencing consumer behaviour.
  3. Quicker Message Delivery: People process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. A compelling visual can convey your message quickly and effectively, a critical aspect in the fast-paced online world where attention spans are short.
  4. Enhanced Recall: Visuals are easier to remember than text. Ads with striking images or memorable videos are more likely to stay in the minds of viewers, leading to higher brand recall.
  5. Better Engagement: Visual content often leads to higher engagement rates. On platforms like Facebook Ads, engaging visuals can significantly increase clicks, shares, and likes, extending the reach of your ad.
  6. Storytelling: Images and videos allow for creative storytelling, which can be more persuasive than mere facts or statements. A well-crafted visual narrative can connect with viewers on a deeper level, making your ad more impactful.


Incorporating the right visual content in your ads is thus not just a matter of aesthetics but a strategic choice that can enhance engagement, emotional response, and ultimately, the effectiveness of your ad campaign.

Selecting the Right Images

The images you choose for your ads can speak volumes about your brand and the message you want to convey. Here’s how to select the most effective images for your ad campaigns:

  • Align with Brand Messaging: Ensure that every image reflects your brand’s identity and values. If your brand is about adventure and outdoor activities, use images that depict excitement and exploration.
  • Evoke the Desired Emotion: Think about the emotion you want to evoke in your audience. Do you want them to feel joyful, inspired, or perhaps intrigued? Choose images that elicit these emotions to create a deeper connection.
  • Quality and Clarity: High-quality, clear images are non-negotiable. Blurry or pixelated images can harm your brand’s credibility. Opt for high-resolution images that look professional.
  • Colour Psychology: Colours can significantly affect perceptions and emotions. For instance, blue can evoke trust and security, while red can signify excitement or urgency. Use colours strategically to reinforce your message.
  • Relevance to the Product/Service: Ensure that your images are directly related to what you’re advertising. If you’re promoting a product, high-quality images of the product are essential. For services, images that depict the service in action or its benefits can be more effective.
  • Consider Composition: The composition of your image matters. Rule of thirds, balance, and focus points are just a few elements that can make your image more engaging and direct viewers’ attention to the important parts of your ad.


By carefully selecting images that align with these criteria, you can create ads that not only capture attention but also effectively communicate your brand’s message and values.

Choosing Effective Videos for Ads

Selecting the right videos for your ads requires a blend of creativity and strategy. Unlike static images, videos have the dynamic ability to tell a story and engage viewers over a few seconds or minutes. Here are key considerations for choosing impactful video content:

  1. Captivate from the Start: The opening seconds of your video are critical. You need to grab attention quickly, especially on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, where users scroll rapidly. Start with something visually appealing or intriguing to hook viewers.
  2. Clarity in Messaging: Your video should convey its message clearly and concisely. Viewers should understand what you’re offering and why it matters to them. A confused message can lead to disengagement.
  3. Storytelling Elements: A compelling narrative can make your ad memorable. Whether it’s a customer journey, a dramatic reveal, or a humorous skit, using storytelling can significantly enhance the appeal and effectiveness of your video.
  4. Balance Entertainment and Information: While your video should be engaging, it also needs to be informative. Strike a balance between entertaining the viewer and providing them with valuable information about your product or service.
  5. Call-to-Action: End with a clear call-to-action (CTA). Whether it’s visiting a website, signing up for a service, or purchasing a product, your video should guide viewers on what to do next.
  6. Length Considerations: The ideal length for your video depends on the platform and the nature of your message. Generally, shorter videos (15-30 seconds) work better for platforms with shorter attention spans, like social media.


Creating or selecting the right video for your ads is a powerful way to engage your audience, tell your brand’s story, and encourage action. A well-crafted video can be the difference between an ad that resonates and one that gets overlooked.

Legal Considerations

When choosing images and videos for your ads, it’s crucial to navigate the legal landscape carefully. Copyright and licensing are key aspects to consider:

  • Copyrighted Material: Always ensure that the visual content you use is either created by you or legally obtained. Using copyrighted images or videos without permission can lead to legal issues and financial penalties.
  • Licensing: If you’re using stock images or footage, understand the licensing terms. Some licences are more restrictive than others, and you may need to pay for the right type of licence depending on how you plan to use the content.
  • Fair Use: While fair use can apply in some educational or commentary contexts, it’s a complex legal area. When in doubt, it’s safer to use original content or content you have explicit rights to use.
  • Attribution: Some licences require you to credit the creator. Ensure you adhere to these requirements to respect the creator’s rights and avoid legal complications.


Being mindful of these legal considerations will help protect your business and maintain the integrity of your ad campaigns.

Choosing the correct images and videos for your ads is more than just an artistic decision—it’s a strategic one. Understanding your audience ensures that your visuals resonate with the people you want to reach. The power of visual content lies in its ability to grab attention, evoke emotions, and communicate messages quickly and memorably. When selecting images, focus on alignment with your brand, emotional impact, quality, and relevance. For videos, prioritise engaging starts, clear messaging, compelling storytelling, and effective CTAs. And importantly, always be mindful of legal considerations to ensure your ad content is compliant and respectful of creators’ rights.

By applying these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to creating visually appealing and impactful ads that not only capture attention but also drive results. Remember, in the fast-paced world of digital advertising, your visual choices are your voice. Make them count.